It isn’t “normal” to be homosexual or have homosexual feelings.


Homosexuality occurs in all cultures in approximately 10% of the population.

This is the same percentage as that of left-handed people. Homosexuality is part of the natural biological order of the universe.


Gay men and lesbians are sick and that is why they have such a high suicide rate.


“Gayness” implies no impairment in mental or emotional stability.

Most gay people lead healthy and productive lives. Living under oppression and pretending not to be gay can result in feelings of low self worth, which can cause serious psychological damage.


Gay men and lesbians are child molesters.


Studies show that well over 90% of all child molesters are heterosexual men.

Incest, rape, and sexual abuse are acts of violence, not sex or love.


All gay men are effeminate “sissies” and lesbians are masculine “dykes”.


Lesbian and gay men are all  “types”.

They can be found in all professions, social classes, ethnic groups, and  races. There are gay male football players and lesbian ballerinas and models. Most gay people cannot be identified by their appearance.


Gay men spread AIDS; AIDS is God’s judgement against gays.


AIDS is a human disease.

Anyone who engages in high-risk behavior is in danger. Today the fastest growing groups of people  with AIDS are women of childbearing age, and teens. In this country gay men were one of the first groups to organize against the disease, to support their sick loved ones, and to initiate prevention and education programs.


Lesbians are man-haters and gay men are woman-haters.


Just because an individual is lesbian or gay, it does not mean they hate members of the opposite sex.

Does being heterosexual mean individuals hate people of their own sex just because they have intimate relationships with the opposite sex?


Gays don’t have children.


Many gays are parents, and  good ones.

They have their own, adopt, and are awarded custody. Studies show that children raised in gay homes are as well adjusted as those raised in heterosexual homes.


Gay people want to “recruit” and make straight people gay.


Most gay people are not emotionally or sexually interested in heterosexuals for intimate relationships.

They want to be with someone who wants to be with them! How many straight people want to be with gays?


Homosexuality causes the breakdown of the family.


It is only when families reject their gay members that breakdowns occur.

In many families the gay members are accepted and integrated. Gays and lesbians also create their own families, with and without children.


Transvestites and transgender people are homosexuals.


Transgender people can be gay, straight, or bisexual.

Transvestism is a heterosexual person who wears opposite gender clothing. A transgender individual is a woman or man who feels born in the wrong sex. 


Lesbians and gay men do not really want to be gay.


Gays and lesbians don’t want to be heterosexuals; what they want is not to be discriminated against for who they love.

Lesbians and gay men enjoy being who they are and feel liberated when they are able to love freely the person of their natural choice.